How to Become More Self Sufficient (and save Cash)

Do you ever wish that you could do more for yourself?

As wonderful as it is to have people around you who can support you through difficult times in your life, it’s also great to know that you can look after yourself if you need to. Becoming self sufficient means that no matter what happens in your world, you’ll always have the tools you need to survive.

As a bonus, the more independent to become, the more likely you are to save some cash and improve your budget situation too. Here are some of the ways that you can tackle both independence and budgeting goals at the same time.

1. Improve Your Credit Score

Being ready to tackle anything sometimes means knowing you can get credit when you need it. Perhaps you need some extra cash in the form of a credit card, or you want to take out a loan for something that’s important to you. Without the right strategy to build a successful credit score, you’re going to struggle to get the offers you deserve.

From personal loans to mortgages, working on your credit score means making yourself as attractive as possible to potential lenders. It takes time and commitment to build a great credit score. Start by talking to the credit agencies to see if there’s anything you need to change about your credit history.

2. Switch Vendors More Often

How often do you switch your utility provider, or look for a better deal on your insurance? Most people will only bother to consider another provider when their bills reach an excessive size. However, you could be saving money year after year by being willing to switch more frequently. Once every six to twelve months, start searching for a better deal.

If you can find a good deal from another company, but you don’t want to switch providers, then consider calling your existing vendor to see whether they can offer a price match. This is the best way to gain more control over those “mandatory” monthly bills.

3. Learn to Cook

Learning to cook is a wonderful way to make yourself more self-sufficient. When you know how to convert basic ingredients into something delicious, you’re much less tempted to simply buy pre-made packages on your way home from work, or worse – order in. Learning how to cook can also open you up to some new hobbies that you really enjoy.

When you start to actively take advantage of all the ingredients that are involved in individual recipes, it’s less likely that you’ll end up over-spending accidentally when you visit the supermarket. You could even think about making some meals in advance and storing them in the freezer for when you want an easy meal.

4. Fix Things More Often

We live in a culture where it’s more common to throw an item away than replace it. However, this could mean that you’re contributing to excess waste, and losing cash in the process. The next time you notice a hole in a piece of clothing, look online for some creative ways to fix the problem and make a brand-new garment for yourself.

If you discover that your vacuum cleaner isn’t working as it should be, look up some instructions on the web, and see whether you can troubleshoot the problem for yourself before you buy something new. As long as you’re careful, you’ll discover that you can fix a lot more than you’d think just by taking your time and doing your research. The web is full of guides, videos, and infographics that can help you to tackle all kinds of jobs.

5. Automate Your Payments

Finally, one of the best ways to take control of your life and your finances is to create a budget and live by it. Figure out where your mandatory expenses are going each month and set up direct debits and standing orders that take that cash out of your bank account as soon as you get paid. This reduces the risk that temptation will cause you to spend cash that you can’t afford to lose.

You might even decide to set up an automated savings system with your bank account provider. All you need is a separate savings account and a good idea of your disposable income each month.

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